We need your feedback! Please help make next year's event even better than this year's by leaving race organizers feedback about your experiences this year. We need your throughts, insights, suggestions, and criticism.
The Race Results can be found on the home page. We added a link to the race results page in the upper right hand corner. The results can also be found under the News tab. Thanks for taking some time to help us make a better race.
I am having trouble getting results today. Is it me or are you having problems? I had no trouble in past years in following the race or getting results.
Where are the results ?? Sat. AM can't find them.
i must be blind--where are the heat results--get them front--top and center?)
Glad you have an interest in our race and thank you for asking about snowmobilers and the race
The State of Michigan DNR snowmobile trails do not get closed for the race. We are guests on the trail system and are very grateful that it is shared with by all the snowmobilers who come to visit our peninsula. We have secured permissions from the State of Michigan to use the trails system for the weekend of the CopperDog race. We have also gotten permissions from each land owner of the property that our race course enters. Some of our great sponsors are snowmobile dealers and/or rental businesses that have embraced the race. The race course is highly marked and snowmobilers on the trail are aware that the race is occurring. There are 2 lead snowmobiles and 2 sweep snowmobiles that mark where our dog teams are on the trail and act as a warning to others. We have gone to great lengths to try to inform all that visit the trail system that the race is occurring. Maps of our race overlaid on the DNR trail map with the times that the sled dogs will be on which section of trail are passed out to all local gas stations, hotels, business that cater to snowmobile tourism. We have worked very hard to establish a good relationship with our visitors. Now many in the snowmobiling community anxiously await race weekend and bring their families to watch the race out in the trails. The CopperDog has become an event for all to share and enjoy!
Carl - thank you for taking the time to write about your concerns regarding one of our most important tourist attractions and most important draws to the Copper Country - our expansive network of snowmobile trails.
We are working on a Blog Post for his site that will explain how we go about obtain permission and approvals. We will also explain the minimal disruption that will occur when the musher's on the trail.
Stay tuned to the CopperDog blog area, Facebook, or Twitter for a link to the story we are developing.
Thank you for being a fan of the race.
I was looking at the trail map and it looks like your running the dog sleds down snowmobile trails. Since the trails are designated for snowmobiles only and snowmobiles pay trail sticker fees to purchase and maintain the trails who is giving consent to closing them during the sled dog race. Also who is carrying the liability insurance if a sled hits a dog sled? I like dogs and events. I also like snowmobiling. If I was taking my vacation to go snowmobiling and found the trails closed for a dog race that is not posted on any trail report or website. I'm thinking I would not be to happy. Since some of the trails are state owned and some are private I was just wondering if any permissions were given to close the snowmobile trails for this event