We need your feedback! Please help make next year's event even better than this year's by leaving race organizers feedback about your experiences this year. We need your throughts, insights, suggestions, and criticism.
I heard this is an awesome event. I am planning to come up in 2024 to stay for the whole weekend. Will it be the same weekend in 2024? The first weekend in March?
I think it would be enjoyable to see like one mile sprints, 2 or 4 dogs. Maybe the dogs that don't run could be involved. Something that Calumet get behind on Saturday. Just a thought.
A prominent link to the 2023 race results on the Homepage would be most helpful.
This morning Facebook Live has blocked my viewing of the live broadcast since I am not a Facebook account holder.
In the past, I have been able to watch the mushers in the family at each start and finish.
Where is a link for the standings of each day, stages? Hard to follow something with no info.
Everyone should check out Copper World 's windows that are decorated for CopperDog!
They dedicated EVERY window to CopperDog! They are festive ambassadors for this great event. The theme "Every Dog wants to be a CopperDog" has fans sending in photos of their dogs from all over the country. CopperDog brings fun & vitality to the Keweenaw !